
Serve actionable lead and account scores to your sales reps

Operationalize lead and account scoring with ease.

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Lead and account scoring is part and parcel of most go-to-market strategies.

But sales reps often find it difficult to leverage these insights in their day-to-day work.

Building a predictive scoring model is a time-intensive process—one that sales teams usually don’t have much control over. So scores end up over-engineered (so complicated you miss out on solid opportunities) or under-engineered (so simplistic you miss out on crucial context).

In this playbook, we’ll show you how to create a better lead and account scoring system, operationalize it for sales teams, and quickly start driving results.

Let’s get ready for takeoff ✈️

What you’ll need:

Common Room (this is how we’ll score and monitor leads and accounts—sign up for free to follow along)
Access to digital, product, and customer data (this is how we’ll inform lead and account scoring)

Step 1: Customize scores

Common Room provides proprietary machine learning models for lead and account scoring that can be tailored to predict the business outcomes you care about most.

Scoring models can be fine-tuned for any purpose, such as converting more opportunities into closed-won deals or supporting account renewals and expansions 💸

The Common Room team will work with you to configure how data is passed into Common Room, as well as how historical data is used to complement fresh data sets and improve the accuracy of scoring.

💡 Common Room offers dozens of natively built and fully managed integrations with various data sources—including digital channels, CRMs, data warehouses, and more—so you can easily centralize, deanonymize, and enrich your data.

An ensemble of ML models that learn from historical trends will reveal exactly who your customers are, how they use your product, what they’ve said about you, and more in order to predict which people and organizations you should pay attention to.

AI-driven scoring not only helps you zero in on obvious opportunities, it also uncovers unintuitive insights. For instance, your model may find that free trial accounts with moderate levels of product usage are actually more likely to convert than accounts with the highest levels of activity.

Account scores are based on multiple data points, from product usage to activity in social and community channels to firmographic information, such as industry and job title. Lead scores—which are calculated using the same criteria on a per-user basis—can be customized to be dependent on account scores in order to help you identify which people to reach out to at high-value accounts.

Leads and accounts are assigned a rating of excellent, good, or fair, along with an explanation of why a person or organization received that score based on different attributes and actions.

View lead scores
💡 Intereted in using Common Room for lead and account scoring? Get in touch to learn more.

Once our model is complete, we can dig into what our AI-powered lead and account scoring uncovered.

Step 2: Explore scores

After scoring is deployed to our Common Room instance, lead and account scores can be added as custom columns across our views of individuals and organizations.

💡 Common Room lets you pipe lead and account scores to other technologies as a custom field so you can see numerical scores for different people and organizations in other systems.

Log in to Common Room and click Organizations in the left sidebar. From here you can view the account score for every organization across your digital ecosystem.

View account scores

Simply hover over the score to see which key factors influenced the result 🕵️

View key factors

Now click Contacts in the left sidebar. Here you can see lead scores for individual buyers and which factors led to those scores.

View lead scores

But we don’t want our sales reps to just look at lead and account scores—we want them to take action on them.

Let’s make sure reps can quickly put these insights to work.

Step 3: Create segments for different sales plays

In this case, let’s say we want to give a sales rep a list of economic buyers who also match our ideal persona.

💡 Tags in Common Room make it easy to create labels for both contacts and organizations —such as current customers, ideal customer profile, and more—so you can quickly find and filter for individuals and companies based on key criteria.

Click Segments in the left sidebar.

Select Segments

We’ll click New segment and choose Create new segment for contacts.

Select Create new segment for contacts

We’ll give our segment a name and description, hit Create segment, and select Set up management rules under the auto-add/remove section.

Select Set up management rules

Then we’ll click Set criteria.

Select Set criteria

Now we can create a segment that automatically updates itself with fresh opportunities every day.

Configure segment
💡 Common Room’s segments allow you to create customer cohorts based on customizable inputs so you can easily track, report on, and engage specific groupings of customers.

Click Add filter and choose Contact tags.

Select Contact tags

Select Economic buyers from the dropdown list.

Select Economic buyers

Now click Add filter and choose Contact tags again. Then select Ideal persona from the dropdown list.

Select Ideal persona

Click Save and now every person who matches our criteria for an economic buyer and ideal persona will automatically be added to this segment 🥳

Better yet, reps can prioritize outreach based on those individuals’ lead scores.

💡 Segments can be added to the Home screen in Common Room so they’re the first thing users see when they log in.

Reps can click into any individual in a segment—or simply use the preview button to get a quick overview—to see a person’s contact information, employment history, and other key information.

View preview

Reps can also make sure they’re automatically notified any time a new person is added to the segment.

All they have to do is click into the segment, hit Get notified, and choose what they want to be notified about and when. Notification delivery methods can always be customized in the Settings menu (the little ⚙️ icon at the bottom of the left sidebar).

Configure notifications
💡 Common Room also lets you create organization segments so you can monitor specific companies and drill down into all the individuals associated with an organization.

Now let’s make it easy for reps to act on the information in front of them.

Step 4: Engage high-scoring opportunities

Toggle on Task view at the top of the segment.

Toggle on task view

This turns the segment into a list of pending tasks reps can work their way down.

Based on the lead score, reps can choose to add individuals to personalized Outreach sequences, email them, send them messages in Slack, sync their records with Salesforce, and more—all from the same place.

Select Add to Outreach sequence
💡 Bidirectional integrations with popular CRMs—including Salesforce and HubSpot—allow you to see fields, leads, contacts, opportunities, and accounts alongside digital interaction data in both Common Room and your CRM.

Say goodbye to tabbing back and forth between tools and say hello to sales productivity 👋

Wrapping up

Presto—we now have a way to create comprehensive lead and account scores and surface them directly to sales teams 🪄

Even better, we have a way for reps to act on them quickly.

Looking for another playbook? Let us know. And if you haven’t already, give Common Room a spin for free.

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